
You will always be Tim Riggins to me

We know this is the "make or break" year for Mr. Taylor Kitsch with 2 HUGE blockbusters coming out this year, John Carter and Battleship. But regardless of how good or bad those films are, Taylor will always and forever be that sexy, Southern, bad boy football star of the Dillon Panthers, Tim Riggins 

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.

She is kind, she is smart, she is important

and she's also the baddest bitch on the planet right now!!

Love, love, love Ms. Viola Davis


Jay Z & Kanye West meets Woody Allen


Kudus to whoever is behind this brilliant mash up of Jay Z and Kanye West's "Ni**as In Paris" and Woody Allen's "Midnight in Paris"

Love it!!

'Ball so hard'